The heart of a canton, our Neogothic Temple is a Cultural Patrimony
The history goes back to the first hermitage, built in adobe by neighbors in 1862, which was dedicated to our patron saint, San Rafael. But during the episcopate of Bishop Bernardo Thiel and due to the consecration of the canton, there was a need for a larger church. Mrs. Rosario Sanchez donated a block to build and relocate the parish of which the first stone was laid in 1887 and declared material cultural heritage in 2004. The construction was slow, but there was communion and participation of all the people, who collected stone from the Bermudez River for several months for its foundations. In 1893 the presbyter Rafael Camacho asked the wealthy neighbors to donate the stained glass windows, which were brought from Austria and transported by oxen to the slopes of Monte de la Cruz. The church is of neo-Gothic influence attributed to the architect Lesmes Jimenez. The second set of bells brought from France was blessed in 1940 on Palm Sunday by Father Ricardo Acuña. It was not until 1962 that Monsignor Carlos Humberto Rodríguez Quirós, fourth archbishop of Costa Rica, blessed this great work, built with the effort, donations and collaboration of all the inhabitants of the canton.
Dirección: Calle Central, San Rafael de Heredia.
¿Cómo llegar?: puedes llegar en vehículo o en bus. El bus se detiene en diferentes lugares alrededor de la cuadra de la iglesia y el parque.
¿Qué hacer?: Es una iglesia hermosa, con vitrales únicos y un sepulcro con más de 60 años. Visite su pequeño oratorio o asista a misa con su familia.
A considerar: existe área de parqueo al costado sur de la iglesia. Cuando asista recuerde que se controla el aforo y se deben mantener los protocolos de bioseguridad.
Gutiérrez, Rodolfo. (2003). Estudio Técnico para la Declaratoria del Templo Católico de San Rafael de Heredia. Centro de Conservación de Patrimonio Cultural. Recuperado de: